Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Quakertown foundry site to become park

Quakertown leaders have finally decided to take the borough's largest undeveloped piece of land, once an environmental blight, and add it to the park system.

The board voted last week to set up a new park planning committee to review the 15.3-acre parcel and make recommendations for things such as landscaping, walking paths or a band shell.

No structures will be permitted on three acres, according to the vote, so the borough can keep land in reserve for other possible uses in the future.

The borough purchased the property in 1987, three years after the old Krupp foundry stopped production.

A new post office was slated to be built there, but when workers began digging footings they found contaminated soil. The Krupp site ended up on the state's hazardous sites cleanup list, and eventually was subjected to a multi-million dollar cleanup.

More here.

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